Admissions Process

Applying for Reception Year

To apply for this class you need to fill out two forms, the CAF and the SIF:

1. Common Application Form (CAF)

Thie CAF is available from Brent Council. Please visit Brent Council School Admissions Services for more information or call 020 8937 3110. The CAF is available to complete online at the Brent Council website and should be sent directly to Brent Council.

2. Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

The SIF form consists of a Supplementary Reference Form and a Religious Commitment Form. Please ensure that you read the whole form and complete all sections, incomplete forms may not be accepted. 

  • The SIF should be returned directly to the school by hand and will be stamped upon receipt.
  • Forms which are emailed will not be accepted. 
  • To apply to IPS you must complete both a CAF and SIF otherwise your application will not be considered.
  • If you do not live in Brent but would like to apply to a Brent school then you must fill in a CAF from your own borough.

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

IPS Admission Policy 2025_2026.pdf

120.57 KB


Reception Year SIF_2025-26.pdf

225.28 KB

In-Year Applications

In-Year applications are those which are applied for during the academic year, hence, 'in-year'. When vacancies arise and an in-year application has been submitted, placing a student in a potential in-year vacancy will be considered for those parents who have made an 'in-year' application.

Parents interested in applying for in-year places should follow the in-year procedure and form only.

In Year Application Procedure

Procedure for In-Year Application.pdf

53.84 KB


In-Year SIF_2025-2026.pdf

227.64 KB

To find out further information or make further enquiries on the applications process please contact the Admissions Officer:

Admissions Appeals Process

If your child was unsuccessful in securing a place at our school and you wish to appeal, then please contact the Admissions Officer in the first instance for support and guidance on the process:

Admissions Appeal Guidance


82.8 KB

Admissions Appeal Form


112.76 KB
Email • 020 7372 2532